Gimkit Join Troubleshooting: How to Resolve Common Issues

Are you having trouble joining a Gimkit game? You’re not alone. Many students and teachers experience issues with connecting to Gimkit, whether it’s due to network problems, device issues, or other technical difficulties.

Here are some of the most common issues discussed and provide step-by-step instructions for troubleshooting and resolving these problems. From checking Gimkit’s server status to verifying your join code and trying a different device, we’ll cover all the bases to help you get back in the game as quickly as possible.

Check Gimkit’s Server Status

The first thing that one should do when facing any problem with Gimkit is to check the server status. Occasionally, it is possible that Gimkit’s servers may be down for maintenance or there may be some technical issues. This can prevent you from joining Gimkit, even if everything is set up correctly on your end.

To check the status of Gimkit’s servers, visit their status page at This page will contain the current status of Gimkit’s servers with details of any current problems or scheduled maintenance. If the servers are up and running, then the problem is on your end and you can proceed with the next steps.

Ensure Firewall Allows Access

If Gimkit’s servers are up and running, the next step is to ensure that your school’s firewall is allowing access to Gimkit’s game servers. Gimkit’s game servers are hosted on a wildcard domain, * This means that access is needed to every subdomain on on ports 80 and 443.

To ensure that your school’s firewall is allowing access, you may need to work with your IT department. They can check the firewall settings and make any necessary changes to allow access to Gimkit’s game servers. If you’re not sure how to contact your IT department, ask a teacher or administrator for assistance.

Run Gimkit’s Compatibility Test

Gimkit has a compatibility test that can help determine if there is a problem with the device or network that is hindering one from joining a game. To run the compatibility test, visit

The compatibility test will check your device and network settings to ensure that everything is set up correctly for Gimkit. If all tests pass, Gimkit should work without any issues. If the test identifies any problems, it will provide some suggestions for fixing common issues.

Verify the Join Code is Correct

When joining a Gimkit game, you’ll need to enter a join code provided by the teacher or game host. It’s important to make sure that you enter the join code correctly, as codes are case-sensitive and must be exact.

If you’re having trouble joining a game, double-check that you’ve entered the join code correctly. If you’re still having issues, ask the teacher or game host to confirm the join code and try entering it again.

Refresh and Reload

If the join page isn’t loading or you’re experiencing other issues with the game, try refreshing the page. This can often resolve minor issues and allow you to join the game.

If refreshing the page doesn’t work, you can try using incognito or private browsing mode. This will disable any browser extensions or cached data that may be interfering with the game. To open an incognito or private browsing window, click on the three dots in the top right corner of your browser and select “New Incognito Window” or “New Private Window.”

If you’re still having issues, you can try clearing your browser cache and cookies. This will remove any stored data that may be causing problems with the game. To clear your cache and cookies, go to your browser settings and look for the option to clear browsing data.

Check Your Internet Connection

Gimkit requires a stable internet connection to work properly. If you’re experiencing issues with the game, it may be due to a poor or unstable internet connection.

To check your internet connection, try loading a different website or running a speed test. If other websites are loading slowly or the speed test shows a low connection speed, try switching to a different network or minimizing the number of devices connected to the same network.

Try a Different Device

If you’ve tried all of the above troubleshooting steps and are still having issues joining a Gimkit game, it may be a problem with your device. To determine if this is the case, try joining the game on a different device, such as a different computer or tablet.

If the game works on a different device, there may be an issue with your original device that is preventing you from joining the game. In this case, you may need to work with your IT department to identify and resolve the issue.

Contact Gimkit Support

If you’ve tried all of the troubleshooting steps and are still having issues joining a Gimkit game, the last resort is to contact Gimkit’s support team. You can reach out to them via email at [email protected].


We hope that this troubleshooting guide will assist you in avoiding any difficulties when joining your Gimkit games. Technical problems are just part of life, and with a little patience and these solutions, you will be able to get back to having fun learning.

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