Gimkit Join – Enter Game Code & Play Gimkit

Gimkit Join is a feature of Gimkit platform which makes the students easily participate in the game shows created by their teachers. When a teacher creates a new game, Gimkit provides the teacher with a new game code. Each student can then go to the website, select the ‘Join’ option, and then enter the specific code for the game to join in and play. 

Gimkit Join Enter Game Code

Once the students have joined the game, the quiz questions will be displayed on their screens in real time. They can submit their answers through their devices be it a PC, a tablet, or even a smartphone. Gimkit Join enables all students to engage at the same time, which creates unity and competition in the class.

Gimkit Join also offers features to adjust different learning needs. For example, the teachers can set the game to have a longer time so that learners who need some more time to complete the given tasks can do so. Also, the platform is available across multiple devices, which is helpful for remote learning as well.

What is Gimkit?

Gimkit is an innovative online educational platform that transforms traditional classroom quizzes into engaging, interactive game shows. Developed by a high school student, Josh Feinsilber in the year 2017, it has over the years become quite popular among teachers and learners. The platform enables the teachers to create custom quizzes according to the subjects they teach and the students can then join and play in a fun, competitive environment

The platform has different game types with different rules that the teacher can use to ensure that the students are engaged and motivated throughout the class. For every correct answer to the questions, students get virtual money that they can use to buy power-ups and upgrades in the game.

Another amazing aspect of this learning platform is that it can be used in any subject and for any grade level. No matter whether you are a math, science, history, or language arts teacher, questions can be adjusted to meet your requirements. It also has a collection of pre-made quizzes made by other teachers which one can use or edit according to the desired format.

Importance of Gimkit in Education

Gimkit plays a significant role in the modern education system since it solves many issues in education. Turning the quizzes into a game-like format, Gimkit engages students and makes the learning process more fun hence they can retain more information and in turn, perform better in their academics.

In the process of the competition, the students can retrieve and use the information they have learned in the course of the game which enhances their knowledge in the subject area. The team mode of Gimkit also helps in enhancing the collaboration and communication skills of the students.

The students can see their results as soon as they submit their answers as this helps them to know their mistakes and areas of weakness while the teacher is also able to see the results of the students in real-time and therefore be able to address specific areas of difficulty.

Thus, with the help of Gimkit games, teachers can understand the student’s progress and their weaknesses to plan for future lessons to meet all the learning outcomes.

Getting Started with Gimkit Join

Getting Started with Gimkit Join

To get started with Gimkit Join, you have to open an account. If you are a teacher you can go on the Gimkit website and click on the sign up button. You can register your account with your email address or you can link your Google account. After the registration, you will be redirected to the dashboard through which you can create a new kit and edit your quizzes.

As a student, you do not have to sign up for an account to join a Gimkit game. All you have to do is go to the website and click on the “Join” button. You will be asked to enter the specific game code provided by your teacher. Once you have input the code, you will be taken to the game lobby where you will have to wait for the game to begin.

Before participating in a game, it is recommended to check the internet connection being used. Also, you should know the game rules and power-ups that are available in the game to increase your chances of winning.

Gimkit Join: How to Join a Gimkit Game

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to join a Gimkit game:

Gimkit Join Game Code

Step 1: Obtain the Game Code
To join a Gimkit game, you’ll need a unique game code which is given by the teacher or the game host. They might give you this code during the class, through an email, or an LMS.

Step 2: Visit the Gimkit Website
Open a web browser on your device and navigate through the URL

Step 3: Click on “Join a Game”
On the Gimkit homepage, click on the “Join a Game” button located in the center of the screen or directly join by visiting

Step 4: Enter the Game Code
In the given field, enter the game code that you got from your teacher or game host. Ensure that you input the code correctly.

Step 5: Choose a Nickname
After entering the game code, you will be asked to type a nickname of yourself. Choose a name that your teacher will recognize you.

Step 6: Wait for the Game to Start
Once you’ve entered your nickname, click on the “Join” button. You’ll be placed in a waiting room until the game host starts the game.

By following these steps, you can easily join and play a live game.

How To Generate Gimkit Code to Join Live Games?

Create a New Kit

To generate a Gimkit unique code for students to join a live game, follow these simple steps:

  1. Log in to your Gimkit teacher account and navigate to the dashboard.
  2. Click on the “New Kit” button to start a new game.
  3. Choose the quiz you want to use for the game or create a new one.
  4. Select the game mode and customize the game settings according to your needs.
  5. Once you have made all the settings of the game, go to the ‘Host‘ button.
  6. Gimkit will generate a unique game code, typically consisting of a combination of numbers.
  7. Share this code with your students, either by displaying it on a screen or providing it to them directly.

Remember, the game code is only valid for the duration of the game session. Once you end the game, the code will no longer be valid, and you’ll need to generate a new one for the next game.

How To Create Your Own Gimkit Game To Join Gimkit?

To create your own kit game for students to join, follow these steps:

Create Gimkit Educator Account

1. Create an Educator Account: If you don’t already have one, sign up for a free Gimkit Educator account on the website.

2. Create a New Kit: Navigate to your dashboard and click on “New Kit.” Choose a name, language, and subject for your kit as well as select a cover image.

Add Questions to your new kit

3. Add Questions: You can either input questions from existing sources such as Quizlet or make your own from scratch. Some of the question formats that can be used include multiple choice, true or false, and even audio or image questions for the pro users.

4. Customize Your Game: Different modes of play which include; the classic mode, the team mode, and the boss battle mode. Choose the one that best fits your learning needs. Adjust available game settings such as time limits, question order, and power-ups.

5. Play and Share: Once you have prepared your kit, you can either host a live game with your students or share the kit’s code so they can play it on their own.

Is Gimkit Free To Use?

Gimkit paid plans

Gimkit offers a free Basic plan and it has most of the core features so you can join Gimkit without any cost. However, it is limited by the number of players and the number of questions in the game. The platform also provides paid subscription plans with advanced features:

  1. Pro ($14.99/month or $59.88/year): Unlimited players and questions, exclusive game modes.
  2. Department Groups ($650/year): Collaboration and resource sharing for teacher groups.
  3. School Pro Pass ($1000/year): School-wide access to Gimkit Pro, admin tools, and support.

There is a 30-day free trial of the Pro plan and sometimes there are discounts. Pick a plan depending on how often you will use it, the number of students in a class, and how much you are willing to spend. The Basic plan is reliable for the starters while the Pro and Department Groups are suitable for frequent users and large classes. The School Pro Pass provides the best value for school-wide implementation.

Key Features of Gimkit

This learning platform offers various features that are meant to help learners have fun while learning and be productive at the same time. Some of the key features include:

Customizable Question Kits:

Teachers can easily create their custom quizzes or kits using Gimkit’s intuitive quiz editor. They can include MCQ questions, true/false questions, as well as fill in the blank questions. It is possible to design quizzes according to topics, level of difficulty, and learning goals.

Diverse game modes:

The platform has various game modes to make the students active and interested in learning. In Classic mode, the student plays by himself or herself while in Team mode, the student has to build a team to be able to play. Some of the game modes include the spotlight mode where certain students are made to face questions and the trust no one mode where students have to be strategic and untrusting of everyone else.

Power-ups and upgrades:

Correct answers given by the students reward them with virtual money that can be used to buy power-ups and other enhancements. These include; ‘Double Points’, ‘Shield’, and ‘Streak Bonus’ among others that can assist learners to gain more points and make the game more interesting.

Real-Time Data and Insights

The teachers are able to get important information about students’ performance and learn about the progress made by the students through real-time data and detailed reports. This information is useful in determining the areas of the student’s need and leads to intervention.

Collaboration and Creativity

It has features such as KitCollab where students can collaborate in creating quiz questions. This makes the learners feel that they are the owners of the class and this in turn makes them participate actively in the learning process.

Tips to Find Active Gimkit Game Codes

Active Gimkit Game Codes

If you’re a student looking to join an active game, here are some tips to help you find game codes:

  1. Check with your teacher: The best way to get an active game code is to directly ask your teacher. They will give you the code for the game they are currently hosting.
  2. Join class communication channels: Many teachers share game codes through class communication platforms like Google Classroom. Ensure that you are following these channels to get the update and the game codes.
  3. Collaborate with classmates: If you missed the game code or are unsure, you can contact your classmates. They might have the code and can share it with you.

These game codes are not supposed to be disclosed and should only be given to the intended people. Do not give out game codes to others or post them online for others who are not in your class to ensure fair play of the game.

Strategies for Creating Engaging Gimkit Join Sessions

Engaging Gimkit Join Sessions

To create engaging Gimkit Join sessions that maximize student learning and participation, consider these strategies:

  1. Set clear learning objectives: Before compiling a kit quiz, set clear learning objectives and ensure that the questions set meet these objectives.
  2. Use a variety of question types: You are given different types of questions that the students can answer, these include multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, etc. So, combine them to make the game interesting.
  3. Incorporate multimedia elements:  To make the game more interesting, try to add pictures, and audio/videos to your questions.
  4. Adjust game settings: Adjust the number of questions, time limits, and power-ups. based on your student’s needs and the level of the content for the students to be well challenged.
  5. Encourage teamwork: Use Gimkit’s Team mode to help the students work in teams to solve the quizzes. Organize groups of learners in a way that there is diversity in abilities.
  6. Provide regular feedback: Give the following feedback to the students using real-time data: Congratulate them, dispel myths, and share tips on where they could be doing better.

All these strategies will help you come up with an interesting and resourceful Gimkit join that will not only get the attention of your learners but also help them learn and develop.

Integrating Gimkit Join with Other EdTech Tools

Gimkit Join can be easily integrated with other educational technology tools to help make learning more effective for students. Here are some ways to combine it with other EdTech tools:

Learning Management Systems (LMS):

Integrate Gimkit Join to your LMS – Google Classroom, Canvas, or Schoology to use it in class. Share game codes, monitor student achievement, and give kit games as homework or in-class assignments via your LMS. This integration eases the process of managing and tracking student attendance and participation.


Gimkit allows you to import question sets from Quizlet which is another learning website. If you have existing Quizlet sets, you can easily import them into Gimkit to create engaging games. Using this integration means that you do not have to come up with questions on your own and also widens the topic for your games.

Interactive Whiteboards

If you have access to interactive whiteboards like SMART board or Promethean you can use them in your Gimkit join sessions. Straighten the class present the game on the whiteboard, and let the students come and engage with the questions.

Case Studies and Success Stories

Many teachers and schools have successfully used Gimkit in their classes with impressive results. Here are a few case studies and success stories:

A middle school teacher from California claimed that after implementing this learning platform, class participation rose from 60% to above 90%. Some of the students who have been known to be more sluggish learners became very attentive and eager to answer questions and even compete with their fellow learners.

A New York high school Science teacher incorporated Gimkit as a tool to revise key concepts before the exams. With the use of the platform, the class average in tests went up by 15% as most of the students were observed to have greatly improved in their understanding of the topics.

From the survey conducted among high school students in Washington state, it was observed that more than 90% of the students found that the platform was fun and made learning easier. Some of the students said that the platform helped in their understanding of the course material and made it easier for them to retain course content, and they looked forward to playing Gimkit in their classes.

Troubleshooting for Gimkit Join Errors

Even though GimKit join is easy to use, there are moments when students cannot join the sessions or face some issues during the game. Here are some common troubleshooting steps to address Gimkit join errors:

  • Check Server Status: Before troubleshooting on the user end, verify that the Gimkit servers are up and running. Visit the platform’s status page ( to check if there are no outage incidents.
  • “Game not found” error: This error occurs when a student attempts to enter a game using an invalid or expired code of the game. To solve this, make sure the student has entered the right game code given by the teacher. If the code is correct, the teacher should then verify if the game is still active and has not been ended.
  • Login issues: If a teacher cannot login into the Gimkit account then the teacher has to check whether he/she has entered the correct email address and the password. If the error is still there, then they can try changing the password.
  • “Nickname is already taken” error: This error occurs if a student is trying to join a game using a nickname that is already in use by another player. To correct this, the student should select another nickname that is different, and unique

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Gimkit free to use or is it a paid service?

Gimkit offers both free and paid services. The free version, called Basic, allows you to host games, create classes, and collect game reports without any limitations. But for more features and game modes, you can upgrade to Gimkit Pro and they do have a monthly and yearly subscription.

Do I need an account to play Gimkit?

No, you do not have to create an account to play Gimkit as a student. All you need is the game code given to you by your teacher. However, the teachers who wish to create their own kit games and host them on the platform will have to create an account.

Can I join a Gimkit game without a game code?

No, you cannot join the game without a valid game code. The game code makes sure that you are joining the right game set by your teacher. In case you do not have a game code, please ask your teacher to give you one.

What should I do if I encounter issues joining a Gimkit game?

If you experience problems joining a Gimkit game, the first thing that you should do is to ensure that you have input the right code for the game. If the issue continues, it is recommended to clean the cache on your browser or use a different browser. If you cannot join the game, tell your teacher as there could be an issue with the game or the Gimkit application.

Can I join a Gimkit game after it has already started?

Yes, you can join a Gimkit game even after it has begun, as long as the teacher has not disabled late entry.


In conclusion, joining a Gimkit game is easy as all you need is a web browser and a valid game code from your teacher. Joining Gimkit also offers many benefits for both teachers and students. For teachers, the platform saves time in lesson preparation, getting to know the performance of the students and many more.

For students, it makes the learning process more fun, effective, and collaborative and gives the students a sense of achievement. That being said, knowing the basic steps on how to join a game and troubleshoot the problems that may arise will enable you to have a good time and enjoy learning through games on Gimkit.

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